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Fund Benefits

Customized solution

  • Limited Financing Resources - Litigation financing “triggers” new cases for potential Claimants, who are unable to fund themselves or have limited funds to finance the litigation.

  • Risk Hedging - The Claimant’s financial risk of the loss of funds when a case is dismissed: In the event that a claim is dismissed, the Fund absorbs the financial loss, not the claimant.

  • Objective view - Claimants who would like to have a "second opinion" and verification of their claim.

  • Strong Financial Backup - Insures the Claimant from unexpected expenses and costs during the litigation and guaranteeing the survivability of long-lasting cases.

  • Allows the Claimant an access to the top tier legal representative and best available professional opinions, a significate contribution to winning the case and to successful results.

  • Quick Settlements – Claimants who are interested to reach to a quick settlement benefit from the Fund's strong financial positioning.

​We offer our clients versatile and competitive "Tailor Made" Solutions, a full ”package” of services for a success fee only.

Partnering with Law Firms

The Fund does not replace the legal representative of the claimant and does not provide any legal representation itself. The Fund only provides funding for legal proceedings. The Fund works with leading law firms in Israel and selected firms abroad.

Funding legal proceedings is mutually beneficial for the Fund and for Law firms and allows for growth of both parties. There is no conflict of interest between the Fund, as a financial entity, and the attorneys representing the claimant.

Transferring the Financial Risk of Funding Litigation from the Claimant to the Fund

In the event that a claim is dismissed, the Fund absorbs the financial loss, not the claimant.


The Fund employs professionals, lawyers, economists, and is aided by external professionals and/or top legal experts who help vet potential investments.

Funding Litigation Costs of the Claimant in Exchange for a Share of the Proceeds

The Fund specializes in financing our clients, rightful claimants, in order for them to preserve their full rights during legal proceedings.

The Fund finances a wide range of legal proceedings:

  • courtroom litigation, arbitration, class action suits, tort claims and other kinds of disputes.

Funding includes attorney fees, courtroom fees, expert opinions, and any other additional expenses that are associated with and/or accompany the proceedings.


In consideration for the Fund’s investment, we receive a share of the proceeds from the claim.

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